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A baseline assessment and program evaluation of the diversity initiative services (DIS) at a healthcare organization Analysis of the mechanism of 1(alpha),25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3)-mediated repression of the gene expression of the endogenous inhibitor of cAMP-dependent protein kinase Correlates of low-density lipoprotein phenotype B in postmenopausal women
A biomechanical analysis of pelvic tilt control and trunk muscle activity during isometric and dynamic lifting Antioxidant countermeasure to muscle disuse atrophy Critical thinking and participation in health behaviors
A comparison of different durations of static stretch of the hamstring muscle group in an elderly population Anxiety sensitivity, stress, and stress-coping strategies Cryotherapy effects on walking gait
A comparison of landing strategies in volleyball players based on quadriceps strength Applicability of the gap analysis methodology in measuring service quality in workers' compensation managed care health programs Dance curricula in higher education
A comparison of the three-dimensional characteristics of a full-effort overhand throw and the throwing motions involved in a rehabilitative throwing program Are you better? Describing and explaining changes in health status in persons with upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders Dance video aesthetics: The videographic aesthetics of Adrian Ravarour for recording the dancing image
A cross-sectional study of the efficacy of a supervised exercise program in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis Barriers to participation in physical activity/exercise for women with physical disabilities Deoxyguanosine triphosphate, a possible target for reactive oxygen species-induced mutagenesis
A first look at home health aide stress Behavioral and psychological symptoms in community-dwelling elders with cognitive impairment: Effects on use of psychotropic medications, supportive services, and nursing home placement Depression and health care utilization following long-term spinal cord injury
A model for implementing artistic creativity and production techniques in a dance concert Behavioral validation of the Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index in adolescents Depression and self-silencing in lesbian and heterosexual women
A model of gait performance based on functional sub-system quantification Biochemical and pharmacological characterization of protein palmitoylation Design, synthesis, and evaluation of potent androgen receptor targeted prodrugs of doxorubicin
A paradigm of the properties of the human spirit expressed through the creative process and production of dance Biomechanical analysis of movement strategies during falls from standing height Determining a model of anxiety and academic performance in school-aged children: A comparison of the inverted-U hypothesis and the zone of optimal functioning model
A paradigm of the virtual transitions and celebrations of the human spirit through the creative process and production of dance Body dissatisfaction as a predictor of eating, exercise, and anabolic-androgenic steroid use among males Development and initial psychometric evaluation of a scale measuring factors related to motivation for exercise
A resident-focussed model for performance measurement in long-term care Body image and body dysmorphic disorder: The role of media messages and gender identity Development and validation of a measure to assess risk for eating disorders in elite women athletes
A sense of place in danced plays (Martha Graham, Lee Strasberg) Body-image perception and selective attention to shape-related words as a function of disturbed eating behavior: A question of differences in racial background? Development and validation of the Children's Domain-Specific Hope Scale
A size-exclusion chromatography system for observing the transport and weak binding of Thermobifida fusca catalytic domains: Experimental and theoretical investigation Bone formation during limb lengthening: Animal experimentation with and without preservation of the bone marrow and/or periosteum Development and validation of the Coping Function Questionnaire for adolescents in sport
A study of high school dance performance as a method of enhancing student growth and understanding in dance education Bone mineral density, bone remodeling, insulin-like growth factors, hormone replacement therapy, and exercise training in postmenopausal women Development of process-based quality indicators for non-pharmacological care of knee and hip osteoarthritis
A study of touch acceptability among college students in casual relationships Bone surface textures as ontogenetic indicators in extant and fossil archosaurs: Macroscopic and histological evaluations Development of the Heterosexism Scale
Academic achievement, self-concept, and dance in 8 to 12 year olds Causal attributions of elite youth female gymnasts: An investigation of types and antecedents of attribution Development, validation and factorial invariance of transtheoretical model measures for recovery from anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
Accuracy of anthropometry compared to dual energy x-ray absorptiometry: A new generalizable equation Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in skeletal muscle adaptation Developmental changes in postural stability in children
Adaptations of coronary smooth muscle to chronic occlusion and exercise training Central circulatory control of arterial blood pressure and maximal aerobic capacity across age in humans Differences between preadolescent female beauty pageant participants and nonparticipants on eating behaviors and body image
Adaptations to short-term aerobic training in younger versus older women: Plasma volume and cardiac function Changes in clotting and fibrinolytic activity after sub-maximal exercise in males Differential gene regulation by steroidal hormones in rat prostate
Aerobic exercise training effects on physical function, fatigue and mood, immune status, and oxidative stress in subjects undergoing radiation treatment for breast cancer Characteristics of balance and posture control in development and aging Dimensions of spectator identification associated with women's professional basketball game attendance
Age related differences in motor output variability during isometric, concentric and eccentric quadriceps femoris muscle contractions Characterization of the muscle-specific beta(m) protein: A new member of the X,K-ATPase beta-subunit family Diurnal variation of hamstring and lumbar flexibility
Agonist-induced conformational changes in TRH receptor: A disulfide cross-linking and molecular modeling approach Choreography as curriculum and knowing in education Does visual biofeedback attenuate mechanisms of muscular fatigue?
Alcohol use in adolescence: A developmental approach to understanding etiology and prevention Clinical indicators of lift readiness in patients with low back pain Dynamic balance control during maximum reach movements in young and elderly adults
An analysis of kinesthetic learners' responses: Teaching mathematics through dance Comparison of athletic training professional preparation to the prevalence of injury occurrence in the collegiate setting Eating disorders: A model for feminist treatment and prevention
An analysis of mental health service and support utilization and special education placement among children identified as at-risk or having emotional and behavioral disorders in an elementary school case management program Comparison of lower extremity three-dimensional kinematics and kinetics in recreational runners with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome Education to Practice Questionnaire: A content analysis
An analysis of outcomes of a pain management program Comparison of two periodization weight training programs on throwing velocity and post-impact batted ball velocity Effect of cryotherapy on athletes' performance on three functional tests of agility
An analysis of the relationship between value congruence and customer satisfaction in outpatient physical therapy facilities in Florida and Georgia Concurrent validity of the Eating Behaviors and Body Image Test (EBBIT) for preadolescent girls Effect of dynamic foot pressure on neuromuscular activation
An evaluation of measures of depression to provide recommendations for their use in dance/movement therapy outcome research Confidence and the elite athlete: A qualitative investigation Effect of exercise on bone mineral density of the forearm in premenarcheal girls
An evaluation of state public mental health system performance for adult persons with serious mental illness: Effects of state political culture and state mental health planning and implementation characteristics on state public mental health system comprehensiveness Conflict management in the high stress environment of the operating room Effect of intense strength training on walking speed, standing balance, and sit-to-stand performance in older adults
An examination of factors that influence the healthcare professionals' intent to adopt practice guideline innovation Conformational and molecular modeling studies of the cholecystokinin-1 and -2 guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein-coupled receptors Effect of timing of upper body cycling exercise on the recovery from delayed-onset muscle soreness
An exploratory study of the relationship between decentralization and health system performance Consumer behavior and health insurance among two populations: Elderly Medicare beneficiaries and low-income parents Effects of a sport intervention on the pro-social behavior of adolescents with disruptive behavior disorders
An investigation of absorptive capacity in the efficacy of imagery training in performance of an instep kick by selected youth soccer players Contact sports exposure and viewer aggression Effects of an exercise program on stress, self-esteem, and health locus of control in Thai post-menopausal women
An outcomes assessment of the athletic training education program at Illinois State University for CAAHEP accreditation    
文章建立日期:105-06-08 文章最後更新日期:106-03-02